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October 26, 2020

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The summary field is displayed as the shortened (teaser form) of your article. This will show up, for example, on a listing page of articles. It should capture the essence of your article and ideally be two to three sentences.

October 26, 2020

Duis posuere bibendum erat

Ut bibendum fermentum justo at dictum. Donec varius nisl tempus iaculis porta. Aliquam auctor faucibus lectus a auctor. Curabitur vitae orci condimentum, auctor nibh sit amet, posuere purus.

October 26, 2020

Etiam sit amet eros leo

Ut bibendum fermentum justo at dictum onec varius nisl tempus iaculis porta liquam auctor faucibus lectus a auctor urabitur vitae orci condimentum.

October 26, 2020

Phasellus maximus finibus nisi

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam fermentum leo non ipsum consequat, in laoreet tellus facilisis. Sed auctor interdum dapibus.

Nedjo Rogers

Nedjo has helped numerous large and small non-profits harness Drupal to serve their missions.

Rosemary Mann

Rosemary Mann brings to Chocolate Lily twenty years of experience working in the nonprofit sector as executive director, board member, and community volunteer.  It is through this lens of collaboration, group process and engagement that Rosemary approaches this role of managing the interplay between web technologies and progressive action for social change.

Benjamin Melançon

Ben lives and works to connect people, ideas, and resources so more awesome things happen.

Screenshot of the Walking Away website

Walking Away

Walking Away is a personal project of Drutopia team member Rosemary Mann focused on long distance walking.

Screenshot of Chocolate Lily Web Projects website

Chocolate Lily Web Projects

Chocolate Lily Web Projects is a founding partner in the Drutopia project and in 2020 finally revamped their own website to use Drutopia.

Screenshot of Family and Home Network

Family and Home Network

Family and Home Network launched its Drutopia website in the Fall of 2018, one of the first groups to come onboard.